网络股票融资平台 人教版Reading for Writing示范课逐字稿,最爱的一节读写课!没有之一!

Kethrine老师在听过一节 22年的名师示范课后网络股票融资平台,写了逐字稿分享给大家,让我们一起精进教学。 授课内容:人教版必修二 Unit 4 Reading for Writing 一 Step 1:Context building and warming up 教师以微信对话的方式设置了真实的情境。 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to my class. First, let me tell you something interesting. Last...

网络股票融资平台 人教版Reading for Writing示范课逐字稿,最爱的一节读写课!没有之一!

Kethrine老师在听过一节 22年的名师示范课后网络股票融资平台,写了逐字稿分享给大家,让我们一起精进教学。


Unit 4 Reading for Writing

Step 1:Context building and warming up


Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to my class. First, let me tell you something interesting. Last month, I had a chat with one of my foreign friends in Ireland. Brian, a boy, I came to know through the internet. I said, Brian I was told Ireland was the most beautiful place in Europe, is it true? He said the guy must be joking, but he surely knows a lot about Ireland and I said tell me something about your country. And he said the beauty of the countryside is truly world-famous, but I gotta go. Let me give you a passage and a video to help you better know about it.


Now let's watch the video he sent me. But after we watch it, you guys gotta tell me what can you see in a video? How does the video make you feel, OK? Now, I gonna play the video.

Now, please tell me, what can you see in the video? What about this handsome boy? You can see ocean birds, sheep and cattle, yes, very good, you are right. Apart from what you say, there are also flowers, bar and dancing people. Then how does the place make you feel? What about this young lady? You feel peaceful. Nice, thank you. A beautiful thing always make us feel good. You may also feel excited, relaxed and amazed, right?



Here comes more story about Brian. He said he would come to Nanning to attend the ASEAN expo soon. And he wanted me to tell him something about Nanning city. I planned to send him a video similar to the one he sent me, but something more. I think I gotta need your help to make this video in which a brief introduction to the city is needed, can you help me do that? OK, thank you very much.

Step 2 : Learning and understanding


Activity 1: Scan the passage and answer the following question

But before we do that, let's first read the article. Brian sent me when you are reading, consider the following question. What are the things that make the Irish countryside exciting and inspiring?

You have three minutes. OK, here we go. Are we finished? OK, anyone tell me the answer? Try to use the words and phrases in the passage. What about this young gentleman? The peaceful landscape, green counties, ocean weaves, sweet scent of fresh flowers, village pub, delicious beef ste. Yes, excellent they are all right. You have done a very good job.

Step 3: Applying and practicing

Activity 2:Scan the passage for structure

Let's together look at the structure of this passage. The first sentence of the passage we call it introduction. Then come down to Ireland, what beauty? Countryside beauty, yes, but countryside beauty belongs to what beauty?Natural beauty, yes, very good. So, the last part is about the way to experience islands, strong traditions, yes, local culture and customers. Yes, I am so proud of you.

Activity 3:Scan the passage for details

Now, let's move on to our next task. Let's read the passage again for more sensory details by filling in blanks. Please refer to your task sheet, you have three minutes. Time is up. Who can tell me the details? OK , that gentleman. Sight, hearing, touch and smile, taste and last one meet local people, yes,very good.

Let's see how we could learn something from the language, but before that please refer to your task sheet and do a small quiz for rhetoric use. Tell me, ladies and gentlemen,the first one is metaphor. Yes, the second one is personification, yes, you are so good.

Activity 4:Scan the passage for language

Now, let's check the passage for more use like this. Please refer to your task sheet and fill in the blanks in activity four. Pay special attention to the blackened words. You got three minutes. Time is up. Let's speak the answer out together. The first one is a metaphor. The second one is the personification. Yes and the last one is the personification too. How do you know that? Anyone can tell me? What about this handsome boy? Yes excellent, because words and phrases like a feast of their eyes, dotted with, roar and cries and greet are used in the sentences. Yes, you did a very good job.

Now let's do a quick review. Let's do it together, the whole passage is from introduction to natural beauty to culture and traditions and customs and the sensory detail includes sight, hearing, touch and smile, and finally taste, yes, very good. OK ,we have known everything about the passage Brian sent us. It's time for US to do some group work. Time for us to prepare something for him.

Activity 5: Group work


Let's watch a video about our city Nanning and discuss with our group members how the video appealed to you from five senses. Let's look at those questions first. You can also look at your task sheet. What can you see in a video? What can you hear? What does the place make you feel? What can you smell? What can you taste there? What traditions and customs can you experience? Now let's watch the video.

OK, look at these questions. Discuss with your group members. You get three minutes. Are we finished? Now, I'm going to give you two versions of writing tasks to you. There is something you must know in advance before we do the writing. You could choose either version of the tasks to finish. After finishing the task, exchange your work with your group members to evaluate each other's writing by finishing the check list, choose one of the works from your group to demonstrate. Please refer to your task sheet in which you could find everything you may need, including an example and word bank. You have about ten minutes to finish, OK? Here we go.


Step 4: Show time

OK, time is up. Ladies and gentlemen, now exchange your writing with your partner by using the checklist. Let's appreciate each other's writing. You have four minutes. are we finished? OK, now choose one of your members to come to read his or her writing? Let's start from group one, OK? Please read your writing while I play the video of our city. Wonderful job. Now group two. Would you please read a little bit slower, OK? I can't catch you. Nice, I truly love your pronunciation. Group three, please. Awesome, you have your own style. Group four, what a beautiful English. Thank you guys.

We have wonderfully completed our task. I have sent the video with your voice to Brian. He said he was amazed to buy the beauty of our hometown Nanning city, and he is not going to leave before he has experienced all the thing we have mentioned. Thank you,ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your help. Now.


Step 5: Review


Let's review our learning objectives of this lesson. Have you learned about how sensory details and rhetoric are applied in a passage to introduce a place through this lesson? Did you contribute to the group discussion before writing? Have you grasped the deive writing skills by imitating the passage in this lesson?

Step 6: Homework

Our homework is polish your writing and put your voice into the video to promote our beautiful city Nanning! Class is over. Thank you guys. See you next time.










